Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29, 2009

Lehigh University Library and Technology Services


Library Hours for Pacing Break //
WINDOWS 7 On the Horizon //
The Hub on the campus portal //
LTS RSS: News Feeds Now Available //
Windows and Mac Tips //
NEW Libguides Research Assistance Tool Available //
Banned Books Event and Exhibit

Both Libraries:
Friday, October 2 – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, October 3 – Noon – 8:00 pm
Sunday, October 4 – Noon – 8:00 pm
Monday, October 5 – 8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Tuesday, October 6 – 8:00 am – 2:00 am

The official release of Microsoft’s Windows 7 is scheduled for October 22, 2009: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/default.aspx. The Library and Technology Services staff has been testing the operating system with Lehigh’s existing applications to identify potential incompatibilities. As with most upgrades, the conversion process to a new desktop operating system is challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, over the next several weeks extensive testing will take place within LTS so that we can be prepared as best we can. Please stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks on the plans for Windows 7 at Lehigh.

Student Affairs is sponsoring a new service -- The Hub -- which is now available on the campus portal (see icon on upper right corner). The Hub is a social networking resource student clubs and campus involvement opportunities. The Hub is described in more detail in a recent Brown and White article "Lehigh joins Hub Club" (9/08/09). Staff and faculty can access and peruse The Hub, which includes listings of clubs and members, an events calendar, and more. For questions about accessing The Hub through the campus portal, contact the Help Desk at 610.758.4357.

If you regularly use a news feed reader (e.g., the Google Reader, Bloglines, or NewzCrawler, or the campus portal RSS channel), checkout the newly available LTS RSS feeds, which include the LTS seminars, LTS Digest, LTS Connections, a Phishing/scam alert, campus announcements, and more! Feeds are at http://www.lehigh.edu/lts/publications.html.

Do you need to resize text in a window without having to change your screen resolution and affecting everything else that is open?

To Increase the font size:

  • On a PC, hold down control and shift keys, and tap the + key until the window is the size that you want.
  • On a Mac, hold down the command and shift keys, and tap the + key until the window is the size that you want.
To Decrease the font size:
  • On a PC, hold down control key and tap the – key until the window is the size that you want.
  • On a Mac, hold down the command key and tap the – key until the window is the size that you want.
Do you need a quick way to minimize all open windows so you can see your desktop?
  • On a PC, hold down the Windows key and hit M.
  • On a Mac in Finder, hold down the Option and Command keys and hit H (it minimizes all windows except the app you are in) or use Expose.
Do you need a quick way to copy files while dragging them between open windows?
  • On a PC, right click the file instead of left clicking to drag and drop. When you release the mouse button, you will get the choice to Copy or Move.
  • On a Mac, hold down the Option key while dragging.

Over the summer the librarians created new academic subject guides using the Libguides platform which has been adopted by hundreds of university libraries across the U.S. These guides are designed to recommend appropriate sources and information tools for conducting research in each academic discipline at Lehigh. Libguides software allows many Web 2.0 features such as live chat, commenting, and polling. The academic subject guides will direct students and others to suggested high quality online databases, reference materials, and web resources in their field of study. Faculty members are invited to link these guides from their Blackboard or other course management sites. You can find the subject guides on the Library Webpage at the link under Library News which reads – NEW Library Research Guides. The subject specialist librarians are also using this software platform to revise and create special “Course Guides” at the request of faculty to assist their classes with focused research assignments. An example of a course guide can be seen at http://libraryguides.lehigh.edu/Entp_398. We welcome faculty suggestions for resources that they feel should be included in either the subject or course guides.

In recognition of Banned Books Week, September 27th to October 3rd, Professor Kathy Olson in Journalism has organized a campus wide celebration of free expression, “Lehigh Celebrates the First!” funded by a grant from the Liberty Tree Initiative.

It will include a multimedia musical program on music censorship on October 19th at 7:00 p.m. in Whitaker Hall, a display in Fairchild-Martindale Library, and the planting of a liberty tree next to Coppee Hall. The Library exhibit of and about banned books will be installed in the display cases in the lobby. A cart of books there will invite students and faculty to take home a banned book. We plan to have our new "ASA on the Go" service at the First Amendment Celebration events so that our users can check out books there as well. We will be using Twitter on the library home page to send out quotations about censorship and freedom. As part of the Celebrate the First campaign, Prof. Olson is asking people on campus to share short remarks about a favorite book, movie or song that has been banned or challenged. Check the web site http://www.lehigh.edu/~infirst to participate and for additional details, book lists and updates.